Our Culture
Dacheng's ambition and vision are fulfilled by practice. As the witness and participant in the development of China's lawyers system, Dacheng has been closely following the national development strategy to resonate with the times and the industry. Adhering to the principle of "specialization is the foundation, branding is the soul, internationalization is the direction, digitalization is the path, integration is the platform", Dacheng firmly ensures diversity with democracy, lays its foundation with professionalism and promotes harmony by respecting different culture. Dacheng deepens people to people exchanges by forming its own corporate culture values of “Ambition, Diversity, Perseverance, Collaboration”, and takes the culture as its intangible asset and spiritual treasure, integrating it into the values and visions of our people. By combining the strengths of all our people, Dacheng evolves with the times and is built to last.

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